Think About Using Solar Power For Your House

Solar power can be a good way to get power from an alternate power source. Not only does solar give you power at your house, if you generate enough of it, but you may also be able to send some back to the power company and get some money, which can help to pay for your system. While solar panels are the most obvious part of your solar panel system, they aren't the only part of the system that you need in order to get power to your house. 

Photovoltaic Panels

Photovoltaic is a fancier name for solar panels. They need to be installed on your roof or on a stand near your house. The panels need to be set at a specific angle in a specific direction. The angle depends on where you live since the sun isn't at the same angle all over the world. Setting it at the right angle will make sure that you are getting the most light possible for the best energy generation. 

Battery Banks

If you want to use solar power as your main power source, then you need to make sure that you have a way to store all the power as it is being generated. A battery bank is the easiest way to do it. Generally, the battery banks are made up of deep-cycle marine batteries. The batteries can hold a large charge, can be recharged, and have a long lifespan. A battery bank is also scalable, which means that you can add more to the system as necessary. The battery bank will also include a device that makes sure that the batteries don't overcharge. 


Before the power goes into your house, but after it has left the batteries, it will go through an inverter. An inverter changes the power from DC to AC. The power generated by the sun and stored in batteries is DC or direct current. The power that your house runs on is AC or alternating current. You can't run an AC house on DC power. If you look at the charging cord to a laptop, you will notice that there is also an inverter on the cord for the same reason. Once the power has gone through the inverter, it can go into your house and start powering up everything you want it to. 

Solar power can be a good way to generate enough power to run your house, either in part or whole. For more information, contact a solar company such as Surf Clean Energy.
